Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Looking for Mr. Badbar

I'm beginning to think that State Department, Pentagon, CIA and other government types have too much time on their hands. They seem to be perceiving bogeymen all over the globe. We currently have some 787 or so military installations outside the United States, spread out all over the world. For some reason, we still need to be in Germany and Japan, over 60 years later. We are stubbornly defending Greenland. North Korea has remained above the 38th Parallel for over 50 years but we have to stand by just in case. If we listen to our geniuses in government, we need to have a military capable of responding to military threats on every continent of the globe at once. We are now spending more on "defense" than all other nations in the world COMBINED. Why?  As I heard Jesse Jackson say one time:   "Russia is out of business."   The only actual, realistic threat seems to be little bands of Islamic nutcases who want to sneak around and blow things up. How is our gargantuan military going to help us keep track of them? We need to rein these people in before they spend us into oblivion.

1 comment:

  1. But Glenn, we've always done it this way. And we haven't been invaded by North Koreans or Germans. Better stay the course.
