Thursday, July 28, 2011

The great thing about a blog

Over the years I have written a number of essays, articles, letters, book chapters and other things that have ended up being published.   I have been asked a number of times how you get started writing.    My answer is always the same:   You have something you really want to say.   Yesterday I attempted to write up a post for my blog.    It really didn't say anything and my heart wasn't really in it.   A computer program suddenly decided that my computer needed to restart and I lost my work.    I had to laugh.    What I had written really wasn't worth posting.    The computer gremlins had saved me from myself.    I was writing because I thought I should be writing up a post for my blog and not because I really had something to say.    Thus the beauty of a blog.    You have something to say, blog.    You don't have something to say, don't blog.   Perfect.

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