Monday, September 3, 2012

I Need a Bigger Boat--Please Vote Republican

I am one of those "job creators" that you keep hearing about.   All right, maybe a small time job creator, but a job creator nonetheless. 8 jobs at present. If taxes are reduced on my income, I am not going to go out and hire more employees. The only reason to hire more employees would be if we suddenly got more business that required more staff. No, if my taxes are reduced, I am just going to chuck the extra money into the bank. Or maybe I'll use some of my windfall to buy a bigger boat. I really do need a bigger boat. So, I have to think that the really big time job creators out there are going to do the same thing that I am going to do, only on a lot bigger scale. They will probably just trade their already big boat for a yacht.  

I think the Tea Party influence has really help the Republicans focus their message.   Me and my fellow Job Creators used to be called "affluent" or "wealthy," or, by pejorative types like the media and Democrats: "Fat Cats."    I think the new style labeling will really help us get our message out to the masses.   And I think we can thank Paul Ryan and his fellow "Randians" for some of this.    The aged, infirm, blind, etc., are now "moochers," feeding at the public trough at the expense of those of us earning a paycheck.   

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