We continue to hear the daily hysteria about the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. It seems to me that some of the criticisms I have heard about the ACA are concerning but in no way would justify the adamant opposition that Tea Partiers and Republicans keep trying to stir up. Nobody would complain about twenty somethings being covered under their parents' health care plan, pre-existing conditions no longer being disqualifying, or insurance companies being required to spend a certain percentage of their receipts from premiums for actual healthcare. The state exchanges promise to bring more visibility and competition to the health insurance market. I will be thrilled to have the "Donut Hole" in my Medicare coverage filled. Everyone seems to agree that there are many positive aspects to the ACA.
The Republican-dominated House of Representatives continues to hold meaningless votes to repeal the ACA and plots to try to defund some or all of its provisions. Right Wingers decry the "end of America as we know it." State Legislatures, dominated by conservative Republicans, refuse to create state insurance exchanges and turn down federal funds to expand Medicaid. It seems to me that the ACA has been passed by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court. The ACA is the law. It seems to me that we should accept that fact and try to make it work. If and when there appear to be serious flaws in the Act, then Congress can and should step in and provide fixes where appropriate. We needed to do something to try to repair our health care delivery system, which has become largely inefficient and far too expensive. Sufficient support for a single payer system of government-sponsored health insurance for all not being present, this was the best fix that our national leadership could come up with. I say let's give it a chance and see how it works. If there are problems, then let's fix them. Enough of the Chicken Little pronouncements from the Right Wing.
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