Thursday, September 6, 2012

Confidential Memo to the Republican National Committee

Dear RNC:

I have something to point out about your state-by-state crusade to require that all voters show a government-issued picture ID card. First of all, you aren't really fooling anybody with all the sanctimonious talk of being concerned about election fraud. The kind of fraud you are talking about would only result if somebody shows up at the polls and tries to impersonate a registered voter and vote for them. Seriously? How many times could that have actually happened? You guys are obviously trying to gain an advantage in elections and everybody knows it. Some people might think that trying to keep people from voting just because they are likely to vote against Republican candidates was sort of underhanded, maybe even downright un-American, and take it out on you guys at the polls. So, a word to the wise.

However, I don't think you guys have really thought this through. Take me for example. I am going to vote a straight Democratic ticket every time. Because I think you guys are completely wrong-headed on every possible issue. So, if somebody would show up here at my designated polling place at St. Teresa's Academy in Kansas City and convince the election officials that they are really and truly Glenn E. Bradford and use my vote, two things could happen. The imposter Glenn could vote for Democrats, which would mean that your no doubt expensive campaign to require voter ID laws didn't do you any good. Or, and here's the exciting part, the fake Glenn might actually end up voting for Republicans--say Mitt Romney for example!!!!! So by having the picture ID requirement, you guys might well be costing yourselves some votes. Think about it!!!!

Yours truly,

Real Glenn

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